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Music Institute's Piano Faculty Member, Elaine Felder
Mike Canale
PIano & Chamber Music Faculty; Piano Department Chair
At MIC for 48 years 1 month

Private Instruction
Piano Faculty 
Academy Chamber Music Coach
Chamber Music Consultant
Piano Department Chair

Available For

Master's in Music candidate, University of Colorado 
Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Performance, Oberlin Conservatory  

Additional Studies / Recent Awards / Recordings

Significant teachers and mentors: 
Elaine has been influenced by many musicians in her musical career beginning with her first teacher Dorothy Crost with whom she began her musical training at age 6 until graduation from high school. She credits Jack Radunsky, her teacher at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music with bringing her playing to the next level as well as later study with Vitya Vronsky at the Cleveland institute of Music.  

Continued private study and master classes with Menahem Pressler at Indiana University since 1983 have been an important component in developing and maintaining a Ms. Felder’s artistry as a pianist.   

Awards and achievements: 
Regional prize winner of the National Federation of Music Clubs
Scholarship student at the Dartmouth Summer Music Festival

Professional Affiliations & Activities

In 2004 and 2006: invited to piano faculty of the Pitten Summer Music Festival in Pitten, Austria

In February 2014: invited to give master classes and pedagogy lectures at the pre-college Teaching Symposium at the University of Florida.

In May of 2017: presented with the Richard D. Colburn Award for Teaching Excellence at the annual Music Institute of Chicago gala.  

Elaine was a faculty member at the Cleveland Institute of Music from 1970 - 1974

She has been on the faculty of MIC since 1976, is the chair of the MIC Piano Department, and coaches chamber music both in the Community School and the Academy of MIC.

Upcoming Events

Piano Departmental Recitals

Piano Departmental Recitals

Piano Departmental Recitals

Adult Piano Camp Faculty Recital